
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Letting Go and Moving On

Have you ever suffered a loss of any kind? Lost a loved one, an opportunity, a friend, anything you valued?

I suffered some loss this year, the details of which I will not go into.

When someone dies it seems the reality is not so apparent until the burial. It is when the body is finally laid to rest that we suddenly realize our loss. It hits home so hard, we search inwards for memories we can hold onto for as long as we can.

Sometimes we hold out hope. As long as it isn’t buried we hope that the reality of its death is only a figment of our imagination.

There are some things that are dead in our lives, and to move on we need to lay it to rest. Such things as dead relationships, dead jobs, dead thoughts, dead feelings, dead ways of life! Anything that does not add any value to our lives but for which we daily expend our energy; things that leave us feeling depressed and low and keep us from attaining the height which we know we were created for.

It‘s time to bury ‘em and move on!

Don’t hold on to some sad memory from the past, let it go and live!

And before the year 2010 begins make a conscious effort to live fully! Here is how; Make a list of what matters most to your life, then spend the rest of your life going after it!

Happy New Year en avance!

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