
Friday, January 1, 2010

Genesis: Be Deliberate and Specific

In my last note, I asked us to make a list of what matters most to us and then spend the rest of our lives going after them. Top on my list is God and this morning I read something revealing about Him: He is deliberate and specific! In the book of beginnings, the creation story shows how God created the heavens and the earth, He spoke.

God spoke, it was, God saw it was good.

God did not say to the earth and the heavens, 'Be as I have imagined you to be', no he was deliberate and specific, He acted by design. For six days He spoke what He wanted and the results were exactly as His words would have them be

What good do you want to see in 2010, start speaking them forth and you will have what you say! God made us to have dominion and commanded us to be fruitful, be and do just that this year! 2010 demands that we be purposeful and explicit.

It is a great year for creativity!

Live deliberately!

Learn with intent!

Love consciously!

Act on purpose!

Pursue your dreams intentionally!

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