
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nigeria: The government. The people

I am not a John Grisham fan but last Christmas, The Innocent Man was my gift. I am an avid reader and I was not going to allow my not so great affection for JG keep me from reading this book.
The Innocent Man is a true story of how a corrupt system can rub men of their rights to freedom, even in a free country like the USA. The story was at once annoying and frustrating as it was eye-opening. You read that book and you find yourself praying never to run against the government, the law and the police.
Bring it home. Nigeria is a great country full of potentials and indeed a great collection of smart people who, I strongly believe, if offered the right sets of opportunities could stun the entire world and if it were possible, God Himself. Given what we have, Nigeria is a woeful tale because the opportunity does exist to excel but our growth is stunted by the weeds we vote into office and refer to as our government. We are slowly becoming a failed state and yet we agree to be swept along by the tidal wave of corruption, injustice and plain malevolence.
Over the past 15 years and more Nigeria has had its fair share of questionable comic characters in government and you have to look no further than the National Assembly to find these comic strip characters with different accents and spectacularly confusing 'Englishes'. It leaves you wondering if you have truly been educated.
By these representatives are we saying one or all of the following things:
-It is difficult and almost rare to find a well educated leader in Nigeria?
-Every Nigerian is corrupt and even if they are not, power will definitely corrupt them?
-There is no hope for a better Nigeria?
We have been headless for sometime now and according to most people, 'the witch of Endor runs Nigeria from Saudi Arabia'. It is truly appalling to read from a National Paper that the Vice President is running the affairs of the state with directives from the first lady. ( Is this constitutional? Really, what does the constitution say? The Vice President has since denied this but Saturday Punch insists on the truth of this account.
We have heard series of talks. It is the only thing we Nigerians know to do best… talk. We have seen pro Yar Adua campaigns and all manner of lunacy. Where are the oppositions in all of this? Where is our democracy? Are we in need of a Niger- Delta-type revolution? Do we continue in prayer or is God waiting on us? Are we taking a step forward or a thousand steps backward?
Away from politics; is Nigeria really suffering from this Economic Crisis or shall we find 2 years from now that someone was siphoning our money?
As far Education is concerned, we see what slapdash group of people represents us so there is no point investing in education. Anything goes?
As far as Agriculture is concerned, when the oil no longer counts, we will look into it.
Employment? Get a skill. Be an entrepreneur.
Poverty alleviation? Talk about it, get a vote.
Terrorism! New to Nigeria? Well we live with terror everyday in this country. Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab just slapped us in the face because he took it outside the shores of this country. We are terrorized by our government, our armed forces, registered and unregistered. We are terrorized by PHCN, CBN, NNPC and every 'N'd thing you can think of! Terrorism isn't new, no; we are terrorized even in the name of religion, houses of worship and kiosks are daily erected to everything above and beneath the earth.
Nigeria is a tale that only God understands but I believe that I understand Nigerians. We are witnesses to the crimes committed in this country, they never get solved and none of us wants to go sniffing for TRUTH, we know what happens to truth seekers. Nobody wants to be at the fore front of this fight, we don't want our lives to end suddenly in mysterious ways.
In this country, you are allowed to complain as long as you don't disturb anyone else.
In this country democracy means a government of the few, for the few, by the few. And we all know who these few are.
In this country, we believe in God because we look forward to heaven, see, hell is not a place you want to be in twice.
In this country, some day soon, children will take the reins and God help us, hell may loose its bounds.
Nigeria is a tale waiting to be told! So as individuals, we seek and hope to rise above...
For the fun of it, think of the 7 Point Agenda!
Have you watched 2012? Is it surprising that after the 'end of the world' Africa still stands? I mean, it must be because Africa is not part of the known world. Anyway, it is referred to as the 'cape of hope'. Funny, huh? Maybe our many issues and backwardness is a blessing in disguise? I know, Nigeria is better than most African countries and we have so much to be thankful for. So much believe me, except, of course the 7 Point agenda.
In my opinion, Nigeria is in need of serious action. I was no OBJ fan, but the man at least got me listening to and reading the news. This present government and its 7 point agenda is the most dreary, uninteresting thing that has ever happened to us as a country. So here is my 7 Point Action Proposal for Nigeria:
1. In the upcoming election, if we read about or hear anyone talk about something as stupid and as nationalism-destroying as, '' It is time to take the national cake to the north, south or further south (south-south)'', such a person should be declared a terrorist and shot in clear view of all. That is an example of a corrupt leader aiming to waste our tax.
2. Before voting anyone into office to represent us, can we at least ask that they read the English text we read in primary school? You know the one with Simbi and the rest... So if we need to dialogue with our representatives, we can at least say we understood each other. Dora could really get to know when to pause (you know... observe the English law of punctuations).
3. Can we sack our lecturers and professors and the NUTs and shut down all those progress- flagging unions and teach ourselves? I have a feeling we could do better by research, trial and error. For God's sake information is at our finger tips.
4. Is there a policy regarding employment in this country? What exactly can foreign companies do and not do to employees? Does the Nigerian work force in the public and private sectors have rights? If not can we please, seriously please, do something about it?
5. Can we do away with the registered army, train the unregistered army and hire them on a 2 month contract basis without arms? I'm not sure on this point, I think we should just pray for what we have.
6. Farm lands. Can you please start one in your backyard? Very funny right? Wrong, get a hoe and a spade!
7. Yar’ Adua! Can we ‘unvote’ him and his wife? If we can do this I believe Nigeria can be part of the 'Cape of hope' by 2012.

Wow, I have this all figured out right? Wrong! I'm just saying!

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