
Thursday, February 18, 2010

All That Fuss About Love

Is there really more to love or is this frenzied act and feverish feeling all there is to it? That rush of adrenalin or that chemistry a confused man has for everything in skirt?

Love has been given a million and one definition and today, love is just another word. This demands careful thinking and I agree with the saying, ''fools rush in where angels fear to tread.''

Love is so watered down today, it is piped in every street corner, it's expression grandly televised and God forbid that I should show an anonymous act of kindness or be damned enough to offer a quiet prayer for someone in need or say I love you only when I'm convinced it's true.

We need to pull the wool out of our eyes and tell ourselves some practical truth!

If God is love and He gave His son to die for you and I, I'll tell you what love isn't;

love isn't selfish,love isn't arrogant, love does not place self first.

If God is love and He did what He did for you and I and still puts up with our sheer stupidity, I'll tell you what love is; love is a choice, love is sacrifice, love is painful and that is what makes it worthwhile.

We all know the Bible quote on love;

“Love is patient; love is kind

and envies no one.

Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;

never selfish, not quick to take offense.

There is nothing love cannot face;

there is no limit to its faith,

its hope, and endurance.

In a word, there are three things

that last forever: faith, hope, and love;

but the greatest of them all is love.”

Everything else is a waste of time and energy and we all know, time's short.

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