
Thursday, February 18, 2010

God Doesn’t Play Safe!

God doesn't play safe; He pushes you off the edge to help you grow.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Be careful what you ask for?” You need to heed it! Every enlargement comes with a challenge and we find ourselves complaining in the midst of our blessings.

'God I asked for a child but please could you make him stop crying and whining and demanding?

‘God, I know I asked for a husband but where did you find this one?’

‘God thank you for this job but please how long before I get another?’

God, God, God... we complain all day. I imagine God smiling and saying, 'Well you asked me to bless you and I have. I see a blessing in this challenge and all you see is a problem.'

We need to learn to find our blessings in every challenge. No wonder we are admonished to always be thankful even when making our request known to God. I believe it is because nothing is too wonderful for God. Our little minds and small thinking are putting enough limitations on God already. It is after all God's good pleasure to bless us.

God does not play safe at all and unless you are willing to play along you better be careful what you ask for! Think for a moment, if you please; if the Israelites knew the route God would choose and the IQ games He'd play to test their faith, do you think they'd have cried for deliverance from Egypt? You and I know they complained and murmured and piped till old Moses lost it. IQ level on a scale of 1-10.... Zero!

It isn't easy at all! You and I would have done no differently, limited as our view is. I admit that God's ways and thoughts are way too wonderful for me. But to know God is to know that if it is God it isn't going to be normal it will be extraordinary. To know God is to be strong and to do exploit. To believe Him is to have no impossibility. To have the mind of Christ is to know that God's store is open to me, all I need do is ask and believe and I'll have what I need.

I believe that the waiting period is the period we build trust. Trust does not come easy. A million years of faithfulness can be destroyed with one minute of distrust. Doubt, maybe...doubt always comes but we chose to believe. Distrust? No. We are safe with God. He never fails but God has never played safe. We play safe; we talk safe, walk and work safe, save safe, think safe, live safe, love safe, give safe. Safe is good when it keeps us from evil and it is bad when it keeps us from experiencing the abundance of God's blessings. And, because we like the comfort of our safe zone, we go about with our, let-me-manage-what-I-have attitude and disgrace the grace of God.

The great men of faith certainly did not make it to the hall of fame riding through life in a limousine of bliss. No, they trekked through blizzards of hopeless situations bearing hope and believing God against all odds. They were pushed over the edge and they grew. And today, we allow ourselves be driven through life suspended in hummer jeeps while life hums by and we are left wondering why we never experience God as they did. God help you should you have this thought sweating in a molue!

The words of Jesus when He said, ''...greater works shall ye do'' seems like the distant echoes of a long forgotten movie and here we are trying to remember what comes before it. 'How in the world am I ever going to do anything greater than what Jesus did? Was He really serious? No no no... Did he even say that?' No wonder T.D. Jakes asks, ''Can you stand to be blessed?''

We, like Jesus, need to set the joy of God's blessing/reward before us before we take up the cross. You can't ask for your tent to be enlarged if you are not willing to set the pegs and pitch the tent when God marks out the territory. You may never understand the depth of what's yours, if you are unwilling to count the stars or at least try to wrap your mind around what number could possibly be used to quantify them.

Risk! God does not play safe. He would not be God if he did! God is wonderfully so God, it is an insult to go to Him and hope He'll play safe. How do you intend to grow or ever be who He wants you to be? Or... what do you think? If Abraham knew you'd call him father, he'd be bothered; being a hundred? And Sarah? Well is it safe to give birth at such grand age?

See! That’s why se say, “This is God!”

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