
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Truth and Crazy Philosophy

Is your mind vast enough to ponder Truth as it is?

There are different kinds of truth: The absolute truth or the truth as presented by known facts which are, in very truth, reality. And then we each have our truths - the truths we tell ourselves based on our experiences, our backgrounds and the model upon which we form our opinions.

There is that popular saying, ''Truth is what is and that is the beauty of it!'' That is a factual statement that should not but can be argued.

This statement brings two questions to the fore. The first is, 'What is Truth?' The other is, 'What is?'

I believe, and strongly too, that the answer to the latter provides the basis upon which each person can define his truth. So by your philosophy or, if you please, based on your values, how would you answer the question - What is?

Philosophy can be toxic if it has no tangible evidence or a foundation upon which to build its claim. Philosophy cannot be for and against. Philosophy does not call for diplomacy and tolerance; it is either for or against.

Diplomacy and Tolerance are philosophies – yes, but they have been the source of many disputes and to take sides on any matter is to be extremist. It is to pitch Obama’s diplomacy against Hilary’s intolerance and yet have them on the same team.

To be Liberal is to be too liberal and to be conservative is to be too conservative. There seem to be no common ground and although Philosophy, on the one hand, preaches diplomacy and tolerance, on the other hand, it demands that you not be Machiavellian.

What are we then to do? Toss out these crazy schools of thought and create our own philosophies?

To every man his truth!

There’s my abiding tenet. We each can insist on the validity and the absoluteness or fixedness of our truths but do not try to force your truth on me. My truth is absolute to me because I have tested it and found it to be true. If your truth is true, hold on to it.

Truth is its own proof!

Philosophy on grand issues such as these can be long and winded and can rouse cutting debates and men have been known to engage in them from the beginning of time.

If Truth is what is... what is, therefore, for me is the source of truth. I bring my philosophy to a quiet close by agreeing that Truth is indeed what is and that is the end of the matter. And if you are wondering, ‘how and why’, my answer simply is, Jesus is Truth and God's word is where I find conclusion to everything. Indubitably!

There’s the source of my philosophy! It can be argued but I insist on its authority.

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