
Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Excuse “Impossible”

To be or not to be considered ridiculous or just plain silly is the choice that helps us achieve our wildest dreams or keeps us where mediocrity holds sway!

The word impossible is the excuse of cowards. People who do not have the courage to push themselves beyond their comfort zones, over the edge of that which is within easy grasp. To upset our well planned out life is something we are not willing to consider.

Every time I read the place where Jesus said, “… greater things shall ye do.” I get pretty upset because I can tell something isn’t right. I think, “Grand ! Easy for you to say!” Not that I do not believe Him, it’s simply beyond my human mind.

To think the outrageous and the ridiculous demands faith that says you can walk on water or raise a dead man. (Think on that for a second)

But then I read Myles Munroe and he goes off and says something as outrageous as ‘yeah doing greater things should be natural’. Ok! So this is outrageous but not unnatural!

I keep thinking to myself the world is doing it and they don’t even acknowledge God and yes, they are still missing out on something – Greatness. The old testament folks had it figured out and Jesus hadn’t even died. Something’s completely wrong.”

I am not talking walking on water here or even raising the dead which can be done. I am talking about that wild dream in your heart that keeps frustrating the ‘Mondays’ of your life. Myles Munroe says the reason you go to work feeling frustrated is because the counsel of God shall stand. What that means is, if you die without fulfilling your purpose, you die frustrated even if you had all the money in the world.

We need a paradigm shift! It’s not enough to think it’s possible with God only, it is possible with you and I and even more so because we have all this grace available.

There are obstacles but there are no impossibilities.

There are walls but there are no limits.

It's your choice to settle down and be comfortable or shake off your fears and take a risk.


My take is, if a man can think it, it is possible.

It takes a lot of mind stretching and perseverance and just the willingness to apply oneself to see possibilities.

It is a process and a challenging one at that! It isn’t one for the faint of heart or the weak willed and we can understand from Abraham to Jesus, why T.D. Jakes would ask if we can stand to be blessed.

Being blessed as Solomon was demands choosing to have grand resilience or limiting ourselves to a few thousand concubines and missing out on where God would take us.

Impossibilities is the excuse for lazy minds.

There are simply no impossibilities!

If you can imagine it, heaven knows you are your only limitation. That is the story of the confusion of tongues (Babel).

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