
Monday, February 14, 2011

AFRICA, THE WEB AND THE WIND OF CHANGE The reasoning of an African youth



“The time comes in the life of any nation when there remains only two choices – submit or fight. That time has come now to South Africa. We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means in our power in defense of our people...”
Nelson Mandela

Africa, the continent of the largely black and mixed race, has been the sleeping giant for decades but in recent times, certain events have led to the awakening of the giant. It is interesting to note that for centuries, Africa and indeed Africans have been lulled to sleep by patronizing persons, both foreigners and natives who come with promises of a better life and future, and once they are given the opportunity to serve have tended to dominate and oppress the people to a point where they accept  their fate. I agree completely with this observation;
“When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land”
Bishop Desmond Tutu

 However, as it is in every human society, the oppressed have their day and they always insist on being heard.  Indeed, the time has come for Africans to decide to be Africa’s voice as done in times past, even though then it was against foreigners, today it is against fathers and brothers who want to be Africa, all by themselves.
A society has never been about one man, it is about a group of people that share the same values and beliefs and traditions and culture. In Africa it is generally about respect and hospitality and brotherhood. The opportunity to demonstrate these values was given when the FIFA World Cup was brought to Africa. It wasn’t about South Africa 2010; it was indeed a thing of Pride for all Africans. It did not matter that no African country came first; it mattered that we could show the world that we too can. It was another moment of pride and indeed every African walked taller when this historical feat was achieved and facilitating these historic event is technology.
We, the young people of Africa, would never be exposed to these revolutionary moments without the technology available in the age we live: The satellite, that allows us access to media houses reporting issues around the world and the internet, which has turned the world into a global village. With just one click, one is exposed to the billions of opinions and views available online. It is incredible that one can connect and exchange views and ideas in matters of seconds with someone a thousand seas away – the social media secures for us this grand opportunity.
To be young in Africa today is a great opportunity because we have been offered the potency to create change where we see fit – The World wide web. Access to it is a right and one we must guard jealously. We cannot afford to sit by anymore and allow people, foreign or native, alien or related to lie to us and oppress us and keep us from the opportunities that are available to the rest of the world which we too can have and do have.
There is so much potential in Africa and yet we agree to submit to corrupt leaders who sell us short in the bid to gain absolute power and reign like monarchs in our hard-won democracy. We have the web and we must indeed use this medium to bring about the much needed revolution in our societies. We must oust corruption and live to build a better society for the next generation.
Words have power and we have the web, we must put this power to the web and see the wind of change blow across our land.

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