
Tuesday, February 15, 2011




 “Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Revolution cannot be achieved through terrorism.  It is a contradiction of intent to try to rid oppression with terrorism. It is indeed a paradox that is obvious in this age. Terrorism, in my opinion has also gained widespread knowledge and access into society thanks to technology. Globalisation has its downside in this sense because one society is now exposed to learning and imbibing the ill in another. And what was once a taboo in Africa is now acceptable because we are part of this so called Global Village.
The question is can we create positive change through terrorism? The answer is NO.  We cannot get rid of corrupt leaders through terrorism. We have seen over time that the people who wield terror against corrupt leaders for whatever purpose tend to turn out like the corrupt leaders themselves.
History records these events and we can see it even in the military regimes in Africa. The coup that removes a greedy general is always planned by a greedy general, whose greed supersedes that of the general he ousted. His fear of being forced out causes him to be even more so wicked than his predecessor.
Absolute power is corruption!
Terrorism negates the brotherhood of humanity. It is a clear fact that disagreements will exist, but the idea of democracy or even brotherhood shows us that we can achieve much through dialogue and if that cannot be done then we must use the tools available to us to fight for our rights. It is important to note that a protest or even war is in no way the same as terrorism. In my opinion, terrorism is an act of cowardice; it makes the likes of Hitler look like a hero. At least he had the decency to show his face. Humanity will not bow to terrorism and brotherhood will prevail!
When do we go to war? When do our peaceful and civil protests turn to violence? Is it when our demands are met? Is it when we are treated as human beings with rights and privileges? Is it when we are allowed to live and express ourselves within the confines of our mutually agreed upon constitutional and representative rights and responsibilities? Is it when we are allowed to live within the consciousness of our God- given sense of what is right and wrong?
When do we go to war?

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