
Friday, April 8, 2011

Does Free Education Equal Quality Education?

Here is a tsunami boiling beneath political propaganda and like everything else we know, it will one day explode in our faces and we will all pretend we did not know about it. Imagine a society of people who cannot express themselves in proper English, teaching your children or great grand children in school, or representing you as your local government chairman or councillor, or governor or senate representative or maybe as your president. It is not that he speaks a native tongue… no, not at all, it is that he speaks English with so much gusto and confidence while his verbs and tenses are scattered abroad like Jews. Forgive my noting the obvious.
The debate is not so much free education as it is quality education. When we do things in our half-hearted manner, we tend to praise our shallow efforts as being the final and only solution to the problem. So here we are praising free education as the solution to illiteracy, when we do not have to look farther than our backyard or the national news to see that illiteracy is a chronic disease that may demands a life changing operation.
Well, here I am on a sunny afternoon trying to cool off in a fancy boutique and the store owner is in a fix. She finally has a sales girl but she might as well be without one. The sales girl is a product of free yet poor quality of education. She claimed to have taken WAEC but cannot read or spell correctly. And this is not one exception among a thousand; this is between 35 and 40 out of a class of 50 in any public school on any given day. It is not enough to send our kids to the best school there is and think it is the only thing to be done, history has shown over time, and we fail to learn, that if the man who takes the lead is somewhat educated, his wife may just be the disease carrier.
Does free education equal quality education? Here’s our debate!

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