
Friday, July 20, 2012


I am a freaking billionaire!

That isn’t according to your bank account as it spells “BROKE” ... correctly... unfortunately, but according to your mind as it has the power to propel you into action towards becoming a billionaire.

The power of thought is such that the Holy Book says you are a product of your thought. It is the mind of men that produced such grand thinking that the Creator of this ability in man confessed, “... this they begin to do and now NOTHING will be RESTRAINED from them which they have IMAGINED TO DO.”

The question is, “what are you imagining to do?”

What is the image, the dream, invention, concept you have given your mind to feed on?

Imagination has to be strong enough you can see it, wild enough to push you into action, magnanimous enough it can be sustained beyond you and can include others.

Your wealth is subject to the state of your mind. It does not mean that a billion confessions of, “I am a billionaire” will change the state of your bank account. As long as the people were imagining building a tower, God said nothing but when they began to push/ birth their imagination by actually beginning to build the tower, God admitted they would be unstoppable.


Your thoughts control your internal environment – the way you respond to people and situations - the reaction of fear, anger, irritation etc.

Fear is the chief enemy of action and until you begin to act on your imagination, you ... (it has taken me a great while to arrive at this) are your own enemy!

What are you afraid of?

Do you see a problem or an opportunity?

Which is best? To take a calculated risk of investing when people are pulling out, especially during a crisis, or to pull out and be safe?

When do you think is the best time to Arise and Shine? When there is light or when there is darkness?

Laziness is another enemy that keeps you from reaching for greatness.

Laziness in thought: if you put your mind to work and keep a journal of your thoughts, you might just succeed at surprising yourself. You may find you are a great writer, a very creative idea spinner. And if you push your mind to break through every known boundary you may just discover what Nigeria and indeed Africa needs to break even.

Laziness in language: Jim Rohn advices to make one’s language useful and to learn to put one’s experience in language that might be useful to others. Communication affects every area of one’s life.  Reading and writing are great ways to improve your language and like I always say if reading is quite a task, start with some nursery rhymes.

Laziness in action: So you don’t know where the money will come from why bother to think or plan!
Opportunity is of benefit only to the prepared, so work on a plan, set goals and keep refining your plan till opportunity knocks at your door.  To produce worthwhile results requires worthwhile actions, no matter how small. Those actions must be sustained over a period of time and that requires discipline.

Discipline cannot be achieved if your IMAGINATION is not STRONG enough to make you see the substance of an idea. 

Think Big!

In conclusion, there is no way our society is going to break out of its rich – looking – poor – man syndrome until we are willing to help enough people get what they want. It is the same principle that guides the banking sector in giving of loans.

Greatness, remember, is simply achieved through finding a way to serve many people. Loan your talents and creativity and skills to helping others get what they want, you’ll be helping yourself get what you want.

I think. 

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