
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

God Arraigned

Accusations have been made
In this great court against the defendant.
There have been many witnesses
And incriminating evidences.
There is no doubt left in my mind
That the accused stands condemned
In the very things he has been accused of.
I am and bear witness to some of these accusations,
I have been a victim too.

The plaintiffs stated
That the defendant claimed to be good and loving,
But he does not care
About the wars that are killing innocent children,
The natural disasters that are destroying cities and lives,
The terror that is claiming the land
And the evil that threatens our very existence.

The defendant has been asked why he allows
Death to claim youths in their prime,
The young girl to be widowed too early and left with babies,
A father to walk out on a family,
A mother to die at child birth,
And parents to bury children.

“Where were you when I was raped?” He has been asked
“When the thieves came?
When the accident happened?
When I called
And begged for help?
How can you claim to be love,
To be kind,
To understand,
To care,
When all you think about is yourself,
And your laws and your judgements?”

Before I pass the judgement in this great court
Does the defendant have anything to say?

I have been silent.
I have listened to your accusations.
I have watched the proceedings silently.
Permit me to speak plainly.
My patience is not my inability.
My grace is not my failure.
My love is not my weakness.
Your words against me have been false and harsh.

But you answered nothing.
You chose to be your own lawyer
And yet you refused to speak in your defence.
We... I find your silence injudicious.
It has failed to help you in substantiating your innocence.
But you have my permission to speak.

I will speak when I please
And I need no man to grant me permission.
You will listen and you will hear.
But I have granted you the ability to choose;
To believe or not to believe,
To obey or not to obey,
To live or to die.
I am sovereign!
I do as I please indeed.
But I think no evil.
I plan no evil.
I do no evil.

I have made all things beautiful,
But you have sought out evil inventions.
Your thoughts are constantly evil
And your world is the result of your choices.
I help all who look to me for help.
I understand and feel the pain of those who hurt,
The tears of those who mourn,
The anger of those who feel abandoned,
Left alone and dying.

But I’m never far away.
I am constantly working all things together for good.
Yet you limit your results by your words.
You complain while I work
And it is distracting.
You nag me with your accusations
And annoy me with your self pity parties.
Yet, I am patient.
I wait patiently for you to change your thinking
And your sour attitude
Which stink to the heavens.

Where is the praise?
Where is the thanksgiving that spurs me on to work?
What thanks do I get for the sun?
“It is too hot.”
What thanks do I get for the rain?
“Oh stupid rain!”
What thanks do I get for the new day?
“Oh another crazy day!”
What thanks do I get for the life I give you”
“I am sick and tired of this life, this work, this child,this spouse, this house, this, this, this, this, this...”

And it is only for a moment -
This challenge that has come to make you strong.
And it is so inconsequential -
This challenge when compared to the good that it ispreparing you for.
The birth process is over,
The child brings joy,
But who is thankful?

You fill my ears with pain.
It is painful to hear your ingratitude,
Upsetting to see that you distrust me.
To what do I owe your lack of trust?
You constantly give me reason to end it all.
You take me for granted.
And you dare to accuse me of your failings?
I have given you everything that leads to life andgodliness.
And you dare to accuse me of your shortcoming?
I have loved you with an everlasting love.
And you dare to accuse me of not caring?
As rightful Judge and King over all
I shall sit in judgement.
And I shall pass judgement.
What have you to say for yourselves?

Plaintiffsand Judge:      
We are on our knees,
And we weep with shame.
We have been rash with our tongues,
We have spoken in haste,
Our words have been harsh,
We have ensnared ourselves.
We have no plea.
We are guilty.

You have judged yourselves.

Plaintiffsand Judge:      
Yet we plead the blood of Jesus.
And we come in his name,
And we ask for mercy.
Yes mercy and grace
That we have taken for granted.
We beg your love which we have abused
And your patience which we have drawn out.
Be merciful to us
And do not deal with us as we deserve.

It is to think that I am selfish,
Without feelings for your pain
That you accuse me of being unjust and uncaring.
Yet know this:
I will share my glory with no other
And whatever you place above me
I will take away from you.
You are forgiven.
Accuse me no more.

In an uncanny turn of events,
The case that was brought before the court was struck out.
The defendant became the judge
While the judge joined the plaintiffs
To plead guilty and pray for mercy.

In the matter between men and God,
Men were found guilty of wrongly accusing their Maker.
And, the defendant decided
In the goodness of his heart
To drop all charges.

This court was adjourned
And will reconvene at a later date
On the case between
Men and the devil.

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