
Sunday, November 15, 2009


Who are you?
That is a question that is rarely, if ever, given proper consideration.

It seems to be such a common and easy question, one doesn't need to think before answering.
'I am John, the son of Jonah, the grandson of Johnson'. Or 'I am a businessman, a mother, a consultant'.
We find our identities in our relationships, occupations, appearance, abilities etc...
We allow other people define us, 'oh there's John, he's a drunk'!
We allow ourselves to be labeled by our past experiences, our failures, our weaknesses, our improper
self-image. It appears that we have no identity apart from our relationship with someone or something.
But all these are temporal identities and can change with time.
It seems that the only way to identify ourselves unmistakably is based on one foundation that cannot
be taken away from us. It is based on the immutable truth that to lie about it is to deceive no other person but self.
The identity that is eternal- I am a child of God.
The immutable truth- The Lord knows they that are His.
The core source therefore of our identity is our relationship with God. I refuse to define myself by my past failures or to be labeled as anything other than what I am before God- His child in Christ. Here lies true security!

Who are you?

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