
Sunday, November 8, 2009


Yesterday is gone and still it lives with me
Yesterday I made mistakes and still the consequences live on today
Yesterday holds my past, my mistakes,
My youthful trivialities.

Yesterday I left you behind
But I apologize
Yesterday, you had your purpose and I failed to see it
There would be no regrets if I had paid attention.

I have to move on but there are some things I need to take with me
Yesterday, you can keep my regrets and the pain of lost opportunities
Yesterday, you can keep the mistakes and the shame of a fallen child
Yesterday, you can keep the vain words and actions and the hurt they caused.

But I am moving on without you
I do really need to
You are past and though irretrievable
Today has replaced you.

I come, Today, with lessons learned from Yesterday
Today you are mine and I have Yesterday to thank for it
It taught me not to take you for granted
Not to waste your time or the opportunities that you offer.

Yesterday taught me
Not to miss the blessings that you bring.
And when you are gone not to mourn too long the opportunities missed
You will be Yesterday too.

Today, you were Yesterday's Tomorrow
How I worried and fretted you may never come
Here you are Today, more than what I expected
Still I look forward with anticipation to Tomorrow.

Tomorrow you hold my future
I appreciate Today for giving me you
Today taught me to prepare diligently for you
Today gives me no rest in teachings of discipline I must be exercised in.

I confess it is hard… this wait
And when I can no longer contain myself
Worrying , waiting for you to come
Today screams, ‘Patience Tomorrow is within you!'

Abasiama Ette 20/09/09

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