
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Making a Case for the Obama Effect on Our World (During the 2008 American Presidential Election)

Obama’s Win: An Act of God

Obama has been officially announced the 44th president of the United States of America. A lot of people attribute his victory to several things such as the hope he inspired in people, the promise of change, the upper hand he has in dealing with the dire economic challenge the world is faced with and the his confident personality.

I believe strongly that it is an act of God.

While people may look at this as a strictly political issue, I would like to trace the way that I see God’s finger in this historic event.

First, there were so many things that people pointed out to work against Obama, inexperience being one of them, but that was ruled out since the same was said of Bill Clinton. The outstanding thing that most people thought would be used to defeat Obama in this race, of course, was race.

Obama is the first black American to be voted into the office of the president of the United States of America. It has finally come full circle; a black man first arrived the shores of this great nation as slave and today he is its first black president.

Secondly, what are the chances that of all the men that have gone to America, from all continents in the world, one would produce a child there that would become its president? One to none, I believe, but an African, from Kenya did that. Slim chances!

Thirdly, that the economy so many had predicted would go bad chose to do so just before the American 44th presidential election is entirely the plan of a Master Strategist. All things were put together for Obama’s good.

If this is not an Act of God, I do not know what is!

Obama and the World

I believe that there is no country on earth where there was not one person who stayed awake to see how the presidential election in America would turn out. Obama had the popular vote in almost all countries of the world. I personally think that a McCain victory would have meant a worldwide depression, not just economically but emotionally. Every terrorist would have brought out his gun.

For me, there are 2 great things that have left the world awestruck since the close of the Old Testament and the beginning of the new. The first, of course is the birth of Jesus and the controversy it arouses and the second is Obama, the 44th president elect of the United States of America.

Obama is honestly a sigh of relief for every person alive with goodwill. President Bush may have been America’s David, terrorising the Evil Axis terrorists, but my prayer is that Obama will be America’s Solomon, with a peaceful reign, amazing and outstanding wisdom, of course without the frustratingly distracting concubines.

Yes We Can vs. I know How to Do That

What for you is the one thing that made McCain lose?

His attitude? His lack of a clear understanding of what kind of leadership America needs in today’s world? His political campaign team? Or the fact that his motive was simply just to be the number one man by all means ‘Palinable’?

I think all of the above worked against him, but this morning as I watched his concession speech as well as Obama’s sombre victory speech, it struck me that the summary of his loss and Obama’s win was as simple a thing as the difference between ‘We’ and ‘I’.

Obama’s inexperience became his greatest strength because it made him reach out to the people to work with him to bring about the change America craves. McCain’s constant praise of self as “the Maverick” and great emancipator alienated him from the people. His constant, “I know how to do that!” drove the people to decide that this democracy is theirs and they have spoken with and for Obama's “Yes we can!”

Obama Has Won: We have no excuse left

Obama’s victory leaves no human being alive with an excuse. You are your only limitation. There is no dream too wild, too far reaching or so impossible.

If you believe, you can.

Everyday I wake up from now onward, my daily creed and confession will be, ‘Yes I can!’

We can no longer play the victim’s card, the game is up and we can no longer hide behind excuses.

Life is good and I am probably walking on water and ooh it feels good to be alive in this time and age!

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